🌻Congress And The BoardMinutes2024-07-28
Cyberia Computer Club Regular Congress on July 28, 2024
Original notes: pad.riseup.net/p/cyberia-congress-20240728-keep-keep
This meeting was held over text chat in Mumble, rather than by voice due to lack of audio transcription.
Agenda Items
Explore alternatives for congressional meetings
Matrix possibly being a barrier for entry for new folks joining the group
Demo Day
New name for Uncongress
@see wiki.cyberia.club/hypha/congress_and_the_board/membership
Active Voting Members (need 7 for quorum)
alena (present)
alexi (present)
breadzepplin (absent)
2 unexcused absences
carbide_flux (present)
fack (absent)
jessica (present)
johnnie (absent)
2 unexcused absences
jonathan (present)
karlexceed (present)
queerposting (present)
reese (present)
sanine (present)
starless (excused absence)
vvesley (absent)
2 unexcused absences
zico (absent)
Currently nonvoting presents
Active Branch Updates
@see git.cyberia.club/cyberia/congress-active-branches
services (Jesse) (Forest)
Jesse and Forest are absent
No updates
meta (Scott)
Scott not present
No updates
games (Johnnie)
Johnnie not present
Alena: Interest in Fall LAN party at L0
outreach (Starless)
Starless not present
I have a couple friends who would like to hold a listening session for our community members
Ideally, we drag someone my friend Maren from MAAN www.maanmn.org/ to hang out vibe with us and listen to us about what out mostly Neuroqueer community and community members need and what the community means to all of us.
Knowing maren that probably will involve sitting on the floor, drinking tea and Vibin while she listens to our stories
Pretty big disconnect between Pride and the cookout this year
Not very many people showed up
tertu: "I personally had no idea when the cookout was happening"
mara: Might be useful to have email or sms messaging for people to sign up for with info for joining matrix
thinking about organizing a Cyberia Game Jam
rituals and regalia (vvesley)
vvesley not present
working on new shiny stickers
Ordering through Speedy Slaps
Treasurer Updates
Previous balance $5,412.30
Current balance: $5,423.11
$3.50 in interest payments
No other credits or debits
Secretary Updates
Starless and Alena recorded L0 space rules since last Congress
Uncongress next week on Sunday August 4th: 12pm to 2pm
Please send alena a message if you want to be part of a voice/video call about L0 rules/discussion
Agenda Item Discussions
Explore alternatives for congressional meetings
"congress meeting accessibility I'd characterize the current format of voice without captions as unacceptable long-term, as well as the interim format we're currently using. If solely text-based, at minumum we need typing indicators and reacts I'd say. If voice based, I think it's a hard requirement that we offer some kind of server-side transcription of spoken conversation."
Using text chat: matrix would likely be better. But, if we decide to go this route then we may want to strengthen procedure to ensure congress runs smoothly in this format
Jessica: worth looking into an implementation of whisper.cpp
carbide_flux: keyboard.futo.org/ https:gitlab.futo.org/keyboard/voice-input-models
reese: i will look into an accurate open-source audio transcription pipeline as soon as i can. i'd much prefer to have a reliable service for this purpose in place over something like Mixtape.
Motion passed to:
Have Alena present alternative options by next congress and have an interim transcription option ready for at least the next meeting
Matrix possibly being a barrier for entry for new folks joining the group
tertu: "Website feels kind of disorganized and outdated"
Ideas for improvement:
Welcome page on the website to point new members to matrix setup, etc.
Forest: briding L0 general chat as a room on the Discord bridge
streamline the matrix sign up process via email or something
Nothing voted on
Demo Day
sanine: "i can do demo day organization"
Motion passed that "Demo day is cool"
New name for Uncongress
leave it to un-congress to decide.
alena: I suggest "L0 Improvement Day"