🌻Congress And The BoardMinutes2023-04-30
Cyberia Computer Club Regular Congress on April 30, 2023
Agenda Items
Treasurer and Legal Compliance Handoff (Proposed by queerposting)
Establish current status
Identify path forward
LZ Mask Policy Revisions (?)
Taking this conversation to Matrix
Moderation both online and offline
Explicit expectations, more standard
Add bread as a voting member 🍞
Vote to add new voting members
Consequence timeline for rulebreaking
Bread's project proposal: blog?
Reminder: Board of Directors meeting takes place immediately after Congress
@see wiki.cyberia.club/hypha/congress_and_the_board/membership
Active Voting Members
[2 unexcused absences]
(present OR absent)
(present OR absent)
scott H
(present OR absent)
Other Members
@see git.cyberia.club/cyberia/congress-active-branches
Active Branch Updates
### services (Jesse)
No updates
### meta (Scott)
Potential discussion around moderation both online and offline, not sure if this belongs within the scope of the meta branch or as a general discussion
### games (Johnnie)
Game day pending?
Board games were proposed following congress, but will depend on how folks are feeling
More movie nights at LZ, interest indicated
### outreach (Starless)
We've got pride! It's coming up at the end of June
Forest did the paperwork for us (TY!!)
We're in a bit of a noisier corner
We should have a followup chat for planning, etc.
Starless can make a matrix channel during/after congress for those interested in joining
It was good for pre-planning and coordination, and spreading the word during the event
We'll want a signup system, try to get at least three people at the booth at a given time
ethercalc spreadsheet?
Clear your weekend, come join us!
Bring demos, projects, cool stuff, good vibes
### hardware liberation (Kurt)
No updates
### rituals and regalia (vvesley)
Wes isn't here, but anyone can do a ritual
No updates
Fack: would like to be more involved with this branch
Inspired by the demoscene
CyberiaConf late-May
Treasurer Updates
Sanine was elected Treasurer during the last Congress
Since last checked, no major change in finances.
current ballence: $3,587.39
Secretary Updates
PR up with update to 2023 calendar on website
List of active, voting members updated
aimless moves to approve the agenda as it stands. queerposting seconds. Motion passes by majority vote.
============================= Agenda Item Discussions ================================
Treasurer and Legal Compliance Handoff (Proposed by queerposting)
Establish current status
Last congress we had elections, Sanine was voted as treasurer
No word from incumbent at the time so we moved on as best we could
Nothing in the bylaws about missed meetings as officer role
Looking to Cass for any information to take control/lead with the position
Can set up a meeting at any time, as an official BOD or other meeting
Identify path forward
We will receive documents async, ASAP
We will coordinate a date to meet with Cass to do live handoff
New Voting Members
Chris: strawpoll.com/polls/poy9W6mwOgJ
Passed, will be a voting member for next congress
Bread: strawpoll.com/polls/05ZdWq7DNg6
Passed, will be a voting member for next congress
Consequence timeline for rulebreaking in cyberia events/online space
Execute on first instance of rule-breaking
Casual heads-up that they're breaking a rule
Record of this gets into mod chat ? record somewhere
Give them some time to self-correct (under an hour)
We ask them to leave/if online kick (give months for them to be gone?)
Two people should ask if in person
If the person does not leave when two people ask, everybody leaves the space?
An arbitrator comes in and gets everyone's stories
Encourages the person to leave or encourage people to return
In chat moderation, we might kick on first offense with the assumption of immaturity, and eventually ban with continued infractions
What about "vibe"
Is it insulting of someone else?
Establish a record in chat (?) or some other means
Bread: We may need a different set of standards between online and in-person
Some kind of anonymous submission process?
When discussing in-person interactions, an example scenario would be Pride
Starless will lead with assembling committee via Matrix to formalize rules
Bread's project proposal: blog?
tutorial sessions
news column/cyberia blog thingie?
layer zero project logs (i want to write abt omnibus -reese)
cyberia chats
tooling talks
not fridays necessarily
flash demo night was cool
please adopt our official blog <3 git.cyberia.club/cyberia/website/src/branch/main/site/blog
Demo day (?)
Starless: May 27th as proposed date
Aimless moves to vote on May 27th as demo day, seconded by alena
motion passes by majority vote
Now voting on solidifying May 27th as a demo day
motion passes by unanimous vote
Open Discussion
Reese has been doing some cool stuff at LZ around automation w/ home assistant
Aimless motions to end this session of congress. karl seconds.
Congress has been closed by unanimous vote.