🌻Congress And The BoardMinutes2021-11-13

Cyberia Board of Directors Meeting

Date: 2021-11-13
Location: Cyberia HQ


In Attendance: Johnny, Jesse, Chris, Starless

Absent: Kurtis, Scott


  • Approval of Agenda

  • Scheduling Irregular congress for starless reimbursement

  • 2021 Recap Thoughts on how things going


approval of agenda

  • motion to approve agenda (Jesse moved, Starless seconded)

  • motion approved unanimously

Scheduling Irregular congress

  • motion to avoid scheduling entirely, discuss during next congress in Jan (Jesse moved, Starless seconded)

  • Noted that would discussing reimbursement would coincide with elections

  • Jesse withdrwas motion

  • motion to to hold irregular congress on dec 11, 2021 (Jesse moved, Starless seconded)

  • motion passed, 3 ayes, 1 nay

2021 Recap Thoughts on how things going

  • starless wants to discuss moderation during the irreg congress

  • was observed that cyberia is awesome

  • johnny asks about 2019 taxes

  • motion to close at 5:16 (Johnny moves, starless seconds)

  • approved unanimously, board meeting adjourned.