🌻Congress And The BoardMinutes2019-10-07

The meeting was called to order on November 7th, 2019 at 19:45.

In attendence

The meeting was chaired by Kurtis

Agenda Proposal

The agenda was accepted by a voice vote.

1 Branch Updates

- All branch members give updates, or have a branch delegate give updates in their stead.

- Services Branch

We've put official services on hold until we find out what we are doing with the server. In the mean time, we have been doing project amongst ourselves. The git server and tv project are up. Jesse set up an IRC server, which includes a bot, and is testing an email server.

proposal: enuerate all services and accesson jessie's cyberia.club git

- git.cyberia.club

- tv.cyberia.club - public facing with properly licensed videos and audio would be nice

- irc.cyberia.club/6697 +ssl

- Experimental Network Services Branch
proposal: close this branch - stick it in services
- approved by only branch member - unanimous

2 Branch Proposals

- Branches are voted on to be created or deleted

- Ryan proposes to eliminate the HEAD of the services branch
Proposal failed in discussion

-Jesse proposes to add description of point/head role to services branch, seconded by Ryan
Proposal approved and pushed to git

- Create a meta branch w/ Scott as the initial HEAD

- draft bylaws for non-profit incorporation or a b-corp or ?

Jesse suggested that forming non-profit would require us to have an advisory board which would create a heiarchical structure.

Aedric says that $5,000 in income per year is the cap before we legally need to do this.

The branch was created with Scott as the head as a voice vote. The branch was pushed to our git.

- Aedric proposed to head the Design Branch
proposal was approved and pushed to git.

Chief Evangalist Kurtis proposed outreach branch Remind me in 1 meeting!
It was decided that since we couldn't find a branch head that we will discuss this branch proposal at the next Congress.

3 Open Discussion

- Pay the man (Jesse) for previous hosting
we owe jesse:
docs hosting: 1c payment total PAID
digital ocean account: 60/ month/4 months 240 total

This money was either paid or pledged by members in attendence.

- server proposal


Kurt suggested looking into a dual-socket Asus KGPE-D16 1U Server

- Finance round up

$500 + $50 per month + tax = ~$900 for the first 3 months

$200(skh), $200 jesse


- revisit manifesto git.cyberia.club/cyberia-congress/manifesto/about/

We decided to delegate this to the meta branch.

- name change?

We decide to keep the current name - delegate to meta branch.

- outreach to other adjacent (sp?) groups

- frostbyte frostbyte.cc

- DC612 dc612.org/

- Linux Desktop www.meetup.com/Linux-Desktop-User-Group/

- Penguins Unbound www.meetup.com/PenguinsUnbound/

- TCLUG mailman.mn-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/tclug-list

- considering a long term strategy of opening a hackerspace in town

We could potentially start meeting infrequently at the maker space to see if there is a way we could collaborate with them.

- Bring up any arbitrary motion or discussion point.

4 Closing

- Decide date of next congress - we will decide this on our free software doodle replacement.
- Close

The meeting was ended at 21:24.

Branches: git.cyberia.club/cyberia-congress/active-branches/about/