

No longer Available


Our minetest server requires that you download
minetest version 5.0.3 or greater.

After starting minetest, find us in the public lobby.
We should be called "Cyberia.Club"

If you cannot find us, here is the manual login

server: minetest.cyberia.club
port: 30000

Login failure

the first time you connect, you'll have to enter a username
and a password before you connect.

it will ask you if you'd like to register, you'll click yes -
then use that username and password moving forward.


nc -vz -u minetest.cyberia.club 30000


systemctl status minetest-server

Make sure the mineclone2 game version is compatible with the current minetest version. Otherwise the minetest-server service wont start. (the server autoupdates (tracked by apt) but the installed game does not)


/usr/lib/minetest/minetestserver --version


cat /var/games/minetest-server/.minetest/games/mineclone2/README.md | grep -i -A 5 -B 5 minetest | grep -i  version